Benefit Reporting

Employer Roster FAQ

EPR Login

How do I add an employee?

  1. Click on “Add Employee”
  2. Enter name and basic information.
    • Do not abbreviate names or use nicknames.
    • Ensure correct spelling.
    • Verify the SSN.
  3. Select Employee Type:
    • Bargaining – Employee who is collectively bargained.
    • Non-Bargaining – Employee who is not collectively bargained but is receiving a benefit through a participation agreement such as NEBF or Health and Welfare.
    • Staff – Employee who is neither Bargaining nor Non-Bargaining but requires access to the system to file reports and to receive payroll and reporting-related notifications. Adding an employee as “staff” does not require a SSN.
  4. Click “Save.”

How do I activate/deactivate an employee?

How do I select an employee benefit? (401K, Union Dues)

  1. Show “Active” “Inactive” or “All.”
  2. Click on the employee.
  3. The current benefit election will appear in a bluish-purple box.
  4. A checkmark indicates the benefit is effective.
  5. Make election change in the gray box.
    • To make a benefit effective:
      1. Enter the first day of the month the benefit will become effective.
    • To make a benefit un-effective:
      1. Enter the first day of the month the benefit will become un-effective.
  6. Click “Save.”